Urticaria (feng zhen, wind rash)
- Acute; wind-driven; comes & goes (lasts a few minutes to a few hours, up to 36 -72 hrs)
- Typically an allergic reaction to food or air borne pathogens - epf related
- Easiest type to treat
-Typically upper regions of the body (chest, back, upper extremities) - Pink-red; no papules; whole skin is puffy.
- No pain, but hot sensation
> Xiao Feng San
Eczema (shi zhen, damp rash)
More chronic, may last for long time
- Very itchy, papules; redness; moistened or wet; many small blisters
with fluid.
- Mainly found in yin areas (creases, armpit; popliteal fossa; vaginal or
scrotal areas) - may have "dirty" appearance or stronger smell [=damp]
Psoriasis (heat in blood, blood stasis, blood dryness)
Most difficult to treatchronic, recurring - deeper, more internal - Severe itching, papules - like eczema
- White, silvery scales w/ multiple layers; under which is a fat-like
lustrous film (film phenomenon), and further, pin-head sized bleeding
- Mainly Heat in Blood (with blood xu; yin xu); Blood Dryness; or
Blood stasis [all with inner wind]
Psoriasis basic points
DU-10; ST-9; GB-31- main points for all general itching SP-10; SJ-5 (remove heat, SJ is pivot to dispel pathogens)
P-6 (cleanse blood)
Psoriasis: invasion of wind heat (acute)
- Acute onset; red skin lesions covered by white-silver scales w/ red halo around lesion (demarcation); swollen w/ hot, burning sensation; severe itching; when scratching, remove many layers may have fresh bleeding at bottom
- Red skin lesion can spread & expand thru whole body - Other Wind-Heat symptoms
T: Red, redder in tip C: Thin, yellow P: Superficial tight
Remove wind heat cool blood
Basic +
LI-4; LI-11; GB-20 UB-12, 13, UB-40 DU-11, 12, 13 (cools xue)
Psoriasis: Retention of Blood stasis (resting stage)
- Skin lesion, not red - darker red or scarlet
- Has stopped expanding/spreading; white silvery scales
are worse; no local swollen; not burning or hot
- More thirsty; don't want to drink (just rinse mouth)
T: Purplish C: W/ yellow or thick, white P: Choppy
Move qi and blood; remove blood stasis
Basic +
UB-17, 12
GB-20; UB-40; P-6
Blood dryness with inner wind (between resting and regressive stage)
Red lesions total gone; local area very thick, uneven (like pine bark); pigmentation darker or brown; skin very dry w/o itching
- Other Yin & Xue Xu: local numbness; sip water time to time at night; sensation of worms walking under skin; night sweat; palm heat
- Affects older people more
T: Small, pale or red (or scarlet: heat in ying level) C: Thin, white or yellow; dry & rough
P: Thin or thin, fast
Nourish yin and blood remove inner wind
Basic +
UB-17, 18, 20, 21, 43 LIV-8
ST-36; SP-6
Fibromyalgia: occipital neck
GB-20, GB-21, around Bai lao (antero-intertransverse space of C5-C6),
Fibro: chest
KID 26
Fibro elbow
LI 10
Fibro: suprascapular
SI 13
Fibro hip
GB 30 Ub 36
Fibro Media popliteal
Fibromyalgia mechanism
Blockage of Wei Qi in the 12 regular or tendino-muscular regions (more functional)pain,
fatigue, sleep problems
Fibromyalgia: Retention of Dampness (or Damp-Heat)
in the Middle Jiao and Muscle system
(12 Tendino-Muscular meridians)
Excess in early stage
Fatigue; tiredness; heaviness sensation of whole body;
- General achy or muscle pain and tightness; - Sleepy; foggy, chest tightness; poor spirit
- Decreased appetite or craving for
- Gas bloating; nausea, vomiting
T: Swollen, pale, w/ teeth marks C: Thick, greasy white or yellow P: Deep, slippery w/o strength
Strengthen middle jiao and remove dampness
UB-20, 21
SP-6, 9; ST-36, 40 REN-12; P-6
> Panax Ginseng Extractum
Fibromyalgia: Qi Xu of Lung, Spleen and Kidney
Second stage: Xu
- Extremely tired and fatigued - cannot go to work
- Pale face; SOB; palpitations
- Depressed appetite; loose stool
- Even incontinence of urine;
- Frequent urination; nocturnal urination
- Easily catches colds; spontaneous sweating - Soft voice
T: Pale, swollen, w/ tm
C: Thin or greasy
P: Deep, weak esp. right axis.
Tonify LU, SP, KID Qi
(wei Qi system);
Strengthen Wei Qi
REN-4, 6, 17 LU-9; ST-36; LI-10 SP-6; KID-3 UB-13, 20, 21, 23 SP-21
DU-14 if yang xu
> Panax Ginseng Extractum
Yin xu of heart, liver, kidney 3rd stage xu
- Fatigue; thirsty; dry mouth; worse at night
- Sips water from time to time
- Low back pain or skeletal pain (along spine) - Tinnitus (high pitch)
- Low grade fever or tidal fever; hot flashes;
palm heat
- Night sweats; swollen lymph nodes
T: Red, scarlet; small/thin
C: Less or peeled/mapped or mirrored P: Thin, fast, thinner on left
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